What We Do

College Hill Presbyterian enjoys a vibrant worship life, characterized by excellent music, inspiring preaching, and a warm community that welcomes all. Sunday mornings are the centerpiece of the church’s life. Programming for children and youth takes place every Sunday and the church nursery opens 15 minutes before that, with a warm and welcoming staff ready to care for babies through 3 years of age. Please see our Children and Youth Page for more information on our Sunday offerings for ages 3 and up. All are welcome to participate in Communion, which we usually celebrate on the first Sunday of the month. Baptisms can be arranged by contacting the pastor (pastor@collegehillpc.org).

If you cannot join us in person, you are always welcome to worship with us online! Join us on Zoom, (Meeting ID 569 896 612, or by calling 646-559-8656) or watch the service livestream on our Facebook page.

Worship Online

For Sunday morning worship, join us on Zoom  by clicking on this link.  Or, if you prefer, watch the livestream on our Facebook page.

Download the January 26 bulletin here.







College Hill Presbyterian Church features a robust and wide-ranging music program. From the Austin Pipe Organ to the Chancel Choir, to our many instrumental ensembles, we encourage and support diverse musical expressions. Music can be a fantastic way to connect to the church. Please reach out to (music@collegehillpc.org) for more information.

Children and Youth Ministry (Faith Formation)

At College Hill Presbyterian Church, we are deeply committed to the nurture and growth of students. Beginning with birth and going right through age 18, we help them to mold, or form, their faith relationship with God. We do this in a variety of ways.


Jesus invites us to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind. As followers of Jesus, we are committed to the nurture and education of all. From the youngest in the nursery to adults, we seek to provide the programs and resources that help all of us grow together in love.

Programs for Adults

Every Tuesday morning from 11 to Noon, Pastor Matt hosts an adult Bible study in person and online. It offers an excellent opportunity to dig deeper into Scripture, prepare for the upcoming Sunday and connect to other members of the church. All are welcome to join us in person in the church lounge or join us on Zoom by clicking on this text.

During the program year (September to May), the church hosts ongoing opportunities for young adults to connect, form friendships and grow in faith. Contact pastor@collegehillpc.org for more information.


Adult Dinner Group

The Adult Dinner group gives us a chance to meet outside of worship; outside of study groups.  Open to members, non-members, young or old, we gather for food and fellowship monthly between September and May.  These rotating small groups are a great way to get to know each other.   Everyone helps with either hosting, setup, or bringing some food or drink.  We accommodate allergies concerns as well.

For more information please email or call the church.  We would love to have you join us at the table.


Service to Our Community and to Our World

At College Hill Presbyterian Church, we believe that we cannot love God without also loving our neighbor and the stranger. So, we devote our time, talent, and treasure to loving our neighbor right here in Easton and around the world.

In a typical year, our church gives away over $50,000 to support good work being done by mission partners in Easton and throughout the world.

The church’s Board of Deacons holds twice-yearly rummage sales, as well as an annual Strawberry Festival, the proceeds of which are given to local mission. The church’s Mission Committee helps to decide how we will use our resources to love our neighbor.

Over the years, ProJeCt of Easton and Safe Harbor have been consistent recipients of our dollars and volunteer involvement. The church also works in cooperation with Lafayette College to maintain a Furniture Bank which collects used items to distribute to those who are beginning a new life in a home or apartment.

Other local organizations that we support include:

Internationally, our support of the Presbyterian Church (USA) funds work for mission, relief, and justice in our nation and around the world.

We also enjoy close ties with our sibling congregation, the Hungarian Reformed Church in Sovata, Romania. Over the years we have exchanged visits with one another and sought to foster cross-cultural understanding.

Nursery School

Since 1949, the College Hill Presbyterian Church Nursery School has offered high quality preschool education, right here in the church building. To learn more, contact Director Megan Schaeffer (chns@collegehillpc.org) or visit the Nursery School website

Strawberry Festival

For nearly 100 years College Hill has hosted our community and congregation at our Annual Strawberry Festival.

You are invited to this year’s celebration

Thursday June 6 2024 from 5-8

Enjoy dinner and dessert
Kids can enjoy the games
Listen to live music
Win a fancy cake or cupcakes in our Musical Cake Lotteries

Come join us for a lovely evening of food and fellowship with your neighbors.  We will gather in Reeder Park and the adjacent street, unless it rains.  In that case join us in Fellowship Hall.

All money raised will help support CHPC’s local mission partners, doing critical work right here in our community!

Volunteer for Strawberry Festival!


We’re using SignUp (the leading online SignUp and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming SignUps.

Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp: https://signup.com/go/WbCqRgu
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It’s Easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.


Annual Report

For an in-depth look at the life of the congregation, please see the 2023 Annual Report.