Make your 2025 Pledge here!

You can fill out your pledge card right now! Make a pledge to support God’s work through College Hill Presbyterian Church. Your pledge is only an estimate of giving made in good faith; a statement of intent to support the good works of the church.

Thank you – your pledge is essential in guiding our leadership in making plans for the future.

If you would like to set up or edit your online giving via the Presbyterian Foundation, see the bottom of this page.

Why Give

Giving is rooted in the recognition of all the good things God has done for us. When we give, we express our gratitude. We also get to be part of God’s work, changing lives through the ministries of this church. When you give to College Hill Presbyterian Church, you are making a real impact! Your gift:

Creates Community

Services of worship, programs for all ages and social events all connect us to one another. The church is the village that raises our children, the community where people know you and care for you.  Thanks to all the hard work of our staff and volunteers, our church has been thriving.  Your support will help these programs continue to grow.

Supports Critical Mission

Every single year, College Hill Presbyterian Church gives volunteer hours and many thousands of dollars to our community partners, supporting the vital work being done by Easton organizations like Safe Harbor, ProJeCt of Easton, 3rd Street Alliance and so many more in the Lehigh Valley, and worldwide. And our giving to these organizations is tied to our stewardship – the more you give, the more the Mission Committee allocates to mission giving.


Your gift enables us to maintain our historic and beautiful building. We are committed to creating a safe and welcoming space, not only for our church, but for the Nursery School, for Scouts, for the Village on College Hill, for 12-step groups and for the many other community organizations that rely on the space we provide.

Ways To Give

Online Giving

As followers of Jesus Christ, it is our privilege to share what we have for the sake of God’s work in the world. At College Hill Presbyterian Church, we want to be a generous people. And we want to make giving as convenient as possible.

Our partnership with the Presbyterian Foundation allows you to give online, as either a recurring or one-time gift to the CHPC general fund.

Please note: All giving via the Presbyterian Foundation will receive receipts and tax statements from the Foundation, not from College Hill Presbyterian Church. The foundation then sends your gifts directly to College Hill Presbyterian Church accounts. All electronic methods allow for one-time or recurring gifts.

​If you wish to change the amount of your weekly/monthly contribution, follow the link above to log in. Under “My scheduled transactions,” click “details,” then “edit” and enter the new amount.

You can also give using the “Vanco Mobile” app on your phone or device. Search for “Vanco Mobile” in the App Store or Google Play and enter College Hill to find our site.

By Mail or in Person

Online gifts support only the church’s general fund. To donate by mail  or to a specific cause, please send a check to:

  • College Hill Presbyterian Church
    501 Brodhead St
    Easton PA 18042

You can also bring it to the office in person; or place it in the offering plate on Sunday morning. Please be sure to indicate the specific cause in the memo line.