Rev. Dr. Matt Mardis-LeCroy
What Do I Do Around Here?
I go to lots of meetings! I preach, teach, marry, bury, baptize, and generally try to help the people of College Hill Presbyterian Church grow in love of God and neighbor.
Favorite movie(s)
Of all time? Casablanca.
For professional purposes? Inherit the Wind
Recent favorite? Ladybird
But if I’m honest: I was ten years old when Transformers the Movie was released, so I have probably seen it 19 times. Did you know it was Orson Welles’ last film role?
Mostly appointment television: Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and Ted Lasso. If I am just killing time, Mystery Science Theater 3000. I also watched the entire run of Gilmore Girls with my daughter.
What I’m Probably Reading Right Now
I am an incurable nerd, and even in my spare time I usually end up reading something related to theology, biblical studies, or church history. But I also make time for Jeffrey Eugenides, N.K. Jemish, Donna Tartt and Jean Hoff Korelitz. Outside of the Bible (duh) the book with the single biggest influence on my life has been Anna Carter Florence’s Preaching as Testimony. Buy me a cup of coffee and I will tell you why.
Favorite Place
Honestly? The Lehigh Valley. I feel so fortunate to live in a place that combines rich history, lots of culture and stunning scenery. I try not to take it for granted.
Favorite Food
This is like asking me to choose between my children! I like all food and I like it a lot. Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies.
Spare time activity
In my spare time, I am most often in one of three places: in my kitchen, at the grocery store or out with my three kids (Ellie, Wil, and Calvin) trying to make some memories.
Best thing about my job
College Hill Presbyterian Church is an incredible place to belong and to raise my family. The people here are simply delightful! And I really cherish the moments when it feels like all of us are coming together in the service of God’s greater purpose.
Anything else?
My wife, Mary Beth, is also a Presbyterian minister, so you can just imagine how boring our conversations must be.
What about the boring resume stuff?
Fine. I am an ordained minister with standing in both the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the United Church of Christ, and I have been doing this for over twenty years now. I have a BA in Religion from Messiah University, an M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Chicago Theological Seminary. Before coming to College Hill, I served churches on Long Island and in Des Moines, Iowa.