Faith Formation
Faith Formation? What’s that? We were formerly called Children’s Ministries and while we work with kids the words Faith Formation more accurately captures what we do! We start with children from birth through age 18, and we help them to mold, or form, their faith relationship with God. We do this in a variety of ways which are listed below.
Our nursery opens at 10:15 Sunday mornings and our compassionate staff is ready to care for babies through 3 years of age. If you have an infant that is too squirmy for you in the pews, but not yet ready for the nursery, look for the “Wee Worship” area to the left of the pulpit in the Narthex right next to the book carousel. There are Christmas lights strung up, a rug, and some soft toys for your little one.
JAM (Jesus and Me)
For ages 3-6, this program takes place every Sunday after the children’s time in worship. Loving leaders walk the children through a Bible story which is usually based on the same scripture read in service, crafts, and toys for the kids to play with. Parents pick up their children in the JAM room after the service.
For age 7 through 12th grade, this program takes place every Sunday after the Children’s Time in worship. The youth are divided into groups based on age and spend time with their peers and leaders. They hear a Bible story (usually based on the same scripture read in service) and experience parts of the worship service (Lord’s Prayer, Doxology, Offering, and Song). Other activities, crafts, etc., may also take place. On Communion Sundays, youth in Roots are brought back into the service for Communion. They may sit with their peers in the designated pews or with their parents.
Wild & Holy
Wild and Holy takes place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 9:00 to 10:15, September through May. Kids ages Pre-K through 12th grade are welcome to attend. A schedule for activities for Wild and Holy is available in the church office or by emailing Lauren at
Watch the Faith Formation eNews to find out what is happening each week!
What is Wild and Holy? Wild and Holy is a youth group of sorts on a Sunday morning before church. In a world of families with busy schedules, it can be hard to find a time for our church kids to hang out together and just be…well…wild. Wild and Holy gives them a chance to have fun with their peers and strengthen relationships with their church family. It also gives parents an opportunity for a quick kid-free coffee date or walk around the neighborhood. We start with all ages together for muffins and orange juice and then split off into 3 groups according to age.* Some examples of activities are baking cookies together, playing yard games, pancake breakfasts, and Capture The Flag. It’s not all wild though! We make time for prayer and sing some fun church songs.
* After muffins, ages Pre-K and Kindergarten go with a teacher to a classroom for classic Bible stories, a craft, and toys. They do not follow the same activity schedule as the 1st through 12th graders.
For babies through 3 years of age. This is a weekly Storytime with Miss Lauren from September through May. We sing, read a book, use a felt board, play with puzzles, and blow bubbles. See the online church calendar for dates and times. No sign-ups needed. Please contact Lauren at with questions or more information.
Fellowship In Senior High and College Hill Young Presbyterians
This is our youth group program for youth in 6th-12th grade. Youth group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the week from 7:00-8:30. Please contact Lauren at with questions or more information.
What To Expect
What to expect on a typical Sunday morning with kids
Children begin their worship time by sitting with their parents in the sanctuary. If you are looking at the pulpit, off to the left in the back of the room there is a book carousel available with an assortment of children’s books, coloring pages, and bags with crayons. You are welcome to take your child over and see if there is something they would like to bring with them into the pew. Children sit for a bit of liturgy and music. The Pastor will then invite all children to sit on the steps in the front of the sanctuary for “Children’s Time”. The Pastor will speak to the children for a few minutes, and they will then be dismissed to either sit with their parents or they may go to the program available for their age group.
How To Volunteer
The safety of our children is paramount. Therefore, we require all our volunteers to complete background clearances and a criminal record check in order to volunteer with our children.
In addition to the background clearances and record check, volunteers will need to complete a College Hill Presbyterian Church volunteer form. That can be found here.
What clearances are needed?
Depending on the individual, volunteers in our church may be required to obtain between two and three clearances. The three clearances are as follows:
1.) Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check
All volunteers needing clearances under the law shall be required to obtain a criminal background check run by the Pennsylvania State Police. This background check is free to all volunteers as of July 25, 2015.
* Please note – you cannot use a Safari browser!
2.) Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Child Abuse Clearance
All volunteers needing clearances under the law shall be required to obtain a child abuse clearance from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.
This background check is free to all volunteers as of July 25, 2015. (You will need to register for an account on the site.)
3.) Federal Bureau of Investigation Fingerprint-Based Background Check
Volunteers needing clearances under the law that have lived in the state of Pennsylvania for less than ten consecutive years (including the current year) must obtain a fingerprint-based FBI Background Check. This background check carries a $22.60 fee, but must only be obtained once provided you continue to live in the state of Pennsylvania. You must register and pay before you visit the fingerprinting site (note that some may require that you call ahead to register for an appointment). For more information visit the PA Clearances site. The code to use is 1KG6ZJ. Please keep your receipt and turn into the office to be reimbursed.
Volunteers who have lived in the state of Pennsylvania for the last ten consecutive years are exempt from this check, but must complete an affidavit affirming such: PA Volunteer Disclosure Statement.
If you have questions regarding the clearance process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Emily Swank (